
Welcome to the RNAget Server Compliance documentation.

This documentation (and associated compliance testing application) determines a server’s compliance with the RNAget API specification for serving RNAseq datasets. The specification, developed by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, serves to provide a standardized API framework and data structure to allow for interoperability of datasets hosted at different institutions.

RNAget Servers

RNAget Servers enable access to RNAseq datasets and their metadata using unique identifiers for each object in a hierarchical data model. Servers can be queried for expression matrices, as well as project and study information associated with the raw RNAseq data. Servers support the slicing of expression and continuous signal intensity matrices by various parameters, so that only subsets of large matrix files need to be transferred. Expression matrices can be subsetted by gene, sample, and/or expression value thresholds. Continuous signal intensity matrices can be subsetted by chromosome and start/end base positions.

Compliance Document

This documentation is for implementers of RNAget servers. Implementers MUST adhere to this documentation during development of RNAget-compliant servers, as the compliance tests outlined herein conform with the RNAget specification. The testing suite performs API testing on all routes discussed in the specification. Reference server responses MUST comply with the correct responses in this document for requests made to each route/endpoint.

RNAget maintains an up-to-date report of the compliance status of its reference implementers. Click here to view the latest report.

Click here to learn more about the API Specification